Well as you know, I LOVE photography. I love doing things a little rustic and…well… lizzy’ish. I had a wonderful opportunity to be a photographer for a wedding at the Idaho Falls temple on June 18! I took Courtney along as my assistant photographer and we had a BLAST! The bride and groom were fun and really a joy to work with. Best wedding by far! The Idaho Falls temple’s grounds were under construction =/ WHO DOESN’T love dirt and backhoes in their wedding pictures?! ? I was grateful that they left a little patch for us to work with! Other than that we just went across the river and got some great shots!
Its July! That means it is birthday month at the Cadys! I had a really good birthday! We went four wheeling, made a lot of cotton candy, and went to the fairgrounds with great friends! That weekend we celebrated along with Annie for her birthday. It was fun! Courtney and Judd came and we played some pretty fantastic music! Im so blessed to have great people around me and my family! BUTTTTTTTT We have a new birthday in the family!My nephew Cooper was born 14 of July 6lbs 8 oz 20.25in! Im so excited for my brother and his family to come visit so I can snuggle the little guy… and probably take pictures =)If you know me, you know I LOVE to camp! Its always been a joy of mine. I love being in the middle of no where, seeing gods creations, and knowing that he is close. Recently I took a trip back to Samlon where I lived and worked last summer. It was fun to be back, but the misquotes were HORRENDOUS! 62 bites on ONE leg. A kid from England also came with. Some of the craziest things happened. Our tent door would shut, and when it did, the zipper would break. After we got it zipped and killed the 50+ misquotes in the tent this kid pulls a HAMBURGER out of his pocket…. I truly don’t know what he was thinking. I was thinking why didn’t we just pour lard around our tent and pray that the bears and cats come quick. Goodness haha. We got to go down the river and it was like the good ole time. I love the river although it scares me SO much! We didn’t get out hiking in, but that’s okay. I got to see one of my best friends Brian at his reception! We actually met last summer and kept in touch. His wife is gorgeous and they look uber happy! Im so happy for them!
This summer has truly been the summer of DTR… DTR (determine the relationship) AKA- do you feel how I feel? = Probably the most awkward thing in the world. Iv had to give the full-on DTR“ friend “ talk to 3 guys, this summer alone, and the whole… I really just see you as a friend and I don’t want to hurt your feelings so im just going to keep calling you a friend and hope you don’t create any more feelings! Talk with many, many more guys this summer. The worst was when a guy wouldnt stop and I got kinda mean with him and said. I DONT AND I WILL NEVER LIKE YOU OR BE ATTRACTED TO YOU! He replied with," Its okay, I like the chase."...barf.... DTR is just awkward. You usually don’t know for sure how the other person feels, and lets face it. Who wants to put themselves out there? I got MY 1st I only see you as a friend talk. Pretty weird haha now I know how they feel haha. Although its not like I didn’t see it coming. However it is SO nice. I mean really. The wondering and the trying to read their mind and know what they think is SO annoying. Just add another name to the land of no return friend list and get on with life. Adele was my friend that night as I pretty much listened to her album over and over haha. No worries =) Im thankful for amazing friends!
COURTNEY GOT HER MISSON CALL!!!!! That’s right! My best friend is going on a mission! Im so excited for her and everything she will accomplish! She had to wait FOREVER! Like a moth for her call to come! It drove me crazy! Then she waited forever to open it….again…. I was going CRAZY! During church I just couldn’t handle it! Well Courtney is going to the Anchorage Alaska mission! =D Im so excited for her! She hopes to ride a bobsled! I don’t see why not =)
Life is awesome and crazy! My summer is almost over, but I can still live! Andrew, Gregory, and Brock are doing amazing on their missions and their letters inspire and strengthen me every time. Lets just say… Im blessed =)
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