Friday, September 16, 2011

Truly Sarah

Truly Sarah is having a give away! I know this girl and she is absolutely
fantastic! If you dont know of her you should! Her style is amazing!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

I Am Entitled... If I Have Faith.. I Can See The Light!

So I thought I would post something a little more..umm... happy? So you know me. I am my own worst critic... hard core. I never give myself a pat on the back. One thing I have learned how to do is to just say." its okay." Well this semester here at ISU is proving to be a nasty one. Just some of the classes / teachers I have are crazy! Homework is overwhelming and last week I slacked on my church calling because I was so busy... that made me feel horrid!( Its okay...its okay...its okay...) Well today in one of my institute classes the teacher had us write down a question on paper . This question is something we want to know from heavenly father. My question was something I have been thinking about a lot.In fact I've been praying about it for over a year now. I simply wrote down my question and then paid attention to the lesson. The teacher talked about how we are entitled to personal revelation. And how we have the holy ghost to be our constant companion. The holy ghost will help us answer those questions. Thoughout the class little segments of my orignal question were answered. The spirit touched my heart. Then I went to math. When I was walking back to the institute I began thinking about my original question. As I sat down in my other class the teacher began teaching about how to teach with the spirit/ how do we recognize the spirit. He then touched up upon the fact that we are entitled to receive personal revelation. I felt on fire during that class. I was allowing my heart and mind to be open to the spirit. Maybe I should try that a little more often huh? haha. I guess maybe this is a little scatter brained... but I am so thankful for the gospel and the knowledge I have of it. Its not like anything I learned today was new to me, but the spirit was able to touch my heart. In return I am able to apply it to my life. Im growing! haha. Such a great feeling isnt it? I know the Lord keeps his promises. That if I meet him half way that he will meet me in the middle. That when I keep the commandments I am blessed! Still its hard just kinda jumping into something. Like coming to ISU... it was kinda like stepping in the dark... one foot in front of the other just trying to find your way. I had a teacher ask me how I can just go.. The only thing I could think of is that the Lord is my light.

Well first off my FAVORITE book in the New Testament is John. Always has been. I could study that book non-stop and be the happiest girl alive! I love it so much because I feel like every verse personally touches my spirit more than other books. In John 1 the word " Light " is used a lot. It is capitalized too! John testifies that Jesus Christ redeemer and savior is the "Light" of the world.  Light shineth in darkness, and darkness comprehend is not. (1:5) Something that hit me that never has before is how important light is. Without light, life would be really hard. We live in a dark and dank world. If we allow it, the world will engulf us in a misty haze where light is hard to find. However, we have Jesus Christ. He is THEE light. If you uncover your eyes and have faith he will bring you out of the darkness. That light will eventually lead us to eternal and celestial glory.
"The Lord is my light, tho' clouds may arise,

Faith, stronger than sight, looks up thro' the skies,

Where Jesus forever in glory doth reign—

Then how can I ever in darkness remain?
The Lord is my light,

He is my joy

and my song,

By day and by night

He leads, He leads me along."
I dont know a better message then the Lord Jesus Christ is the light of the world. He will guide us, and lighten the way so we can see. Why should we fear, when his presence is near? I know that I will never be forsaken and that Jesus Christ will always be a beacon in the time of a great tempest, because he has pulled me out of the darkest of times. With him my questions are answered and I can act upon them. I am thankful that I was reminded of that in these simple verses. Jesus is thee Light of the world, and that we can carry that "Light" of Christ with us, and help our brothers and sisters here on the earth today. That we can carry that light to others in this dark world =)

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Its okay, I found another date...

Well, to start off, Im not bitter… just really frustrated. Am I fun?  I think I’m fun… I mean I like to do a lot of things and love social settings!  Im usually a happy, outgoing , random kind of girl…. Maybe Im  not…haha newsflash!!! Hahaha...One day I was in the institute building and this guy came and sat next to my table where I was studying for biology. I just looked over smiled and said, “hi!” We will call this guy John… because well… that’s his name haha ;) Well he is also taking the same biology class I am. He had a question so we began discussing. This kid seemed awesome. He was nice, funny, not bad to look at… seemed overall a good kid. When we were leaving he asked me out. To tell you the truth I was kinda surprised… didn’t see it coming at all. I agreed gave him my number and we went our separate ways. I was pretty excited for the date… he had some really fun ideas, and he really did seem like a good ole boy. Well later that week, on the day of the date, I was going to my room to figure out what to wear when my phone went off. It was a text from John. It said , “ Hey sorry but I found another date , so don’t worry about today.” WHAT THE HECK!?!  Where did that even come from right? I felt like eating a gallon of ice-cream and watching the Notebook… come on girls…we all do it.. I mean the guy is probably just a jerk, but its hard to not take things personal. Sad thing is… its kinda the 2nd time its happened to me. I mean what did I do? Or didn’t do? Last month I had a kid to ask me out , because his mom told him to go on a date. He brought me ice cream and left…. For real… It was cookie dough too… ( long story ) ….  I mean… considering my dating history ( July “ Boys sucks , dating sucks “) Im wondering what the heck happened. NOW don’t get me wrong, I’v had some AMAZING fun date, with some awesome people!  Even if they guy didn’t open the door! Hahahaha..haha..ha. It cant be all that hard can it? This whole dating thing? I dont think im too "stingy" In fact Iv had people to up my standards on guys...ya thanks a lot haha...  I don’t know why these things happen to me. I think my life is a fiction series… weird things happen … all the time. Ha! I guess this was just my rant about dumbness. Ha. Tomorrow is another day… and it will be okay…right? Im not all depressed about it... although I have a killer headache! Maybe this whole dating thing is God telling me to go on a mission hahaha I guess we will see!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Why Im at ISU and not USU

So a lot of people have been wondering why I am at ISU instead of USU. Here is the down low. Got to part B if you want to here the story, go to part C if you want the summary.
B:  I LOVE USU. Still do, always will. Its an amazing school with a wholesome environment. Well I came home to Pocatello for the summer. I was SO happy to be in poky. I loved my ward, great calling, great friends, and people genuinely liked me for being me haha. I was more than excited to get back to the beautiful land of Logan, UT though. I went to go make sure everything was okay with residency. The lady talking to me was being rude, and was kinda “ out to get me” even though I did everything required. She wanted more than she told me to give her ( I had been talking to her since December to make sure I would have everything). I felt attacked and I was angry haha. Well I went to the library to write up everything she “needed” and I was just extremely frustrated.  Then I got the thought that maybe I should just  “ give up” . However I said HECK NO! Because I worked so hard to get everything I needed for that  next year! I was going to study abroad, take upper level classes I had to get petitioned, and well… it just a TON of work …okay?  Haha. Anyways I stopped to think and went outside and found myself at the institute. I kept feeling like it would be okay to just drop everything and leave UT. I couldn’t! I love it at USU! Well then my Mom calls. I know right? She was crying and said it wasn’t worth it, and that I needed to come home and figure something out, like BYU-I ( Hahah FUNNY mom!) . Right after that I saw my favorite institute teacher he sat next to me and asked why I had a sad spirit. Haha love the guy. I was telling him what was going on and he looked at me and said what do you feel? I said go to ISU… BUT I HATE it there! He then said, well if you are supposed to be there, then why are you going to let your pride take you away from the work the lord has in store for you there? That’s not the Lizzy Cady I know. We both know he will provide, you just have to take a couple steps into the darkness and call out his name. He then patted my head , told me to send him a wedding/mission announcement and left. To say the least now Im an emotional wreak. I get in my car and just yelll… at God… poor guy.. haha. He wanted me to go to USU. I went, and now he wants me to go and make another life in Pocatello? And at ISU? They don’t have a good special education program , and they don’t even offer equestrian! But once I got to the swamps on my way to Garland, I felt total peace. I knew my heavenly father was very aware of my situation, and that he had everything under control ( where was my faith right?”) I was still upset about all the hard work going down the drain, but knew I would be directed in the right direction. My initial thought was, I’ll just get a job and go to BYU-I in the winter.. I really didn’t want to go to ISU... Well Before I went into my sisters house I said a quick prayer. Just saying I will go and do, but I need directions. No just doing what felt right,  I NEEDED to know. Well I went inside got on the computer and looked up ISU… weird. Haha I can honestly say I NEVER heard or thought of occupational therapy before. So, I looked it up. It seemed a better fit then even special education. Then my advisor from USU called and she said, well you wanted to do animal assisted therapy right? I would still go into special education, although, if they have therapy there like occupational or developmental psychology I would look into that. PRAISE THE LORD! I felt happy about that! Then Courtney called and said she has a friend wanting to do occupational therapy so she could be an animal assisted therapist. So I figured I had some direction. I called up my pa and told him everything that was going on. He told me to go ahead and apply to ISU and get that all figured out. The application process was frustrating. Technically I wasn’t a resident  of ANY state.  However after many phone calls everything went through smoothly. Then I waited and waited to be admitted. Next I had to worry about housing. I needed to sell my contract in Logan ASAP to find and pay for a place in Pocatello. I was really stresses but that night was the stake temple trip. I went and It was a wonderful experience. I was really comforted. When I came back to the car I had 7 people wanting my contract. One was an old friend from Logan! I was happy I could help her out! BLESSINGS! The next day I was still waiting. My dad came home from a meeting and said I needed to call this guy I called him up and talked to him about my goals and plan of action. He seemed really impressed. He then explained everything to me then said he was going to set me up a meeting with another guy who would help with my classes. He would e-mail me paper work to fill out so the meeting would go smoother and faster, also he was going to contact all the people who do animal assisted therapy around the area and tell them about me and let them know I would be contacting them. He said with all the experience and shadowing sign offs I could shave a year off my degree. WAHOO! Now it seems like ISU would give me WAY more experience than USU ever could! Well, school started in 4 days and I needed to register for classes ( I was freaking out ). I called admissions and they said it would take 7 to 10 days. I couldn’t wait that long! So I called Daddy haha. He took me to a lady name Pat. She was very sympathetic and asked me for my name, number, and social. Then she said, Ill go get you admitted right now! I was SO thankful! Five minutes later Pat called and said they didn’t have my transcript. WHAT!?! I sent it overnight express! She then gave me her cell phone number and told me to call her any time before midnight and also that she would call USU and get everything figured out. Well I called USU and found out that my transcript was delivered the other day and was signed off by an L. Alexander. I called pat around 8… I felt bad haha. She went back to the school found my transcript and got me admitted that day.( SUCH a blessing ) I was able to register for classes. I was on 18 wait lists just hoping one would open up! I still needed to look for housing though. My ward is AWESOME. Really, I love it. So I didn’t really want to leave. I had a ton of people looking for apt for me to keep me in the ward ( made me feel wanted haha ) Well I found a spot at hillside apartments! Its father away from campus than my parents’ house haha but it overall felt like a good choice. I am already beginning to see why I am supposed to live here.. I have awesome roommates too!  I was able to get into all the classes I needed and find my way around campus!  I am genuinely happy. I LOVE life ,and its going to get even better from here. Its one of the first times where I can see the lord’s hand in EVERYTHING. I mean, its crazy. He does provide a way. I know Jesus loves me. He loves you too! I love the gospel! Without it, I would be nothing but a lost, and sad girl. I am thee luckiest girl in the world!
C: God wants me here. 

Saturday, July 23, 2011

My sister loves me, even if I have 5 fingers...

Because I live with my sister ;) I get to go shopping with her in Logan.  We are usually going for one store ( HOBBY LOBBY AKA- BEST place EVER) but continue our outing at other stores nearby.  For my birthday this year I got a pair of 5 finger shoes! They really are the BEST shoes ever!  Sure they look weird, but they are AMAZING! The only problem is that not only are they weird, but bright blue and yellow! So along with my overalls I was sporting that day I looked rather “ interesting “ haha. We were leaving TJ Maxx when there was this lady walking in with UGLY 5 inch platform shoes and butt shorts. I turned to Mariam and said, “Look at those shoes! Who would wear those?”  She replied with  something along the lines of“ Yep they are probably looking at you and thinking the same thing.” I totally forgot. Maybe I need to look past the shoes and see people for who they really are… ;) hahaha. Regardless when we were walking to the car she said she loved me even though I had 5 fingers. How lucky am I?

Well the best shoes ever do have a con. I have a blisters on the bottom of my big toe!  I just randomly decided to run to the seminary building and back, and when I got there I though, “ SNAP… Im going to hurt after.” It was a good 30 min run, but you try walking with blisters on the bottoms of your feet! However, they are awesome running shoes! 

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Pride and the Atonement of Christ( with the importance of daily reading.)

I got a call today, a REALLY random call. Iv pondered it for the whole day. Im in no way trying to boast...just sharing my thoughts....Well, I didnt recognize the number so I didnt answer, but then I got a text. An old friend I haven't heard from for over a year wanted to " just talk ". He had done some things he wasnt proud of. He stopped going to church and felt like he could never come back. He kept talking about his past and friends. He blamed them for everything that had happened. When he was done I asked him one question. How long has it been since you have read your scriptures? He said a long time, but that didnt have anything to do with it. haha ya...right... A connection I commonly see with people is, lack of scripture = lack of good choices. Lack of good choices can bring eternal consequences. This is when the adversary can work his magic. What some people see as sorrow... i see as plain out PRIDE. I asked my friend if he thought he could be forgiven. He said no. So i kinda started talking about other people we commonly knew who had done some of the same things. I asked him if he thought they had been forgiven, he answered yes, but with him its different. I then said, then what makes you feel like YOU are so special that the atonement cant heal you but everyone else. Thats not sorrow and guilt, although a faction of it is. When we wont allow ourselves to be healed and be forgiving through the atonement of Christ it is our choice to be miserable. Its your pride taking over the joy you could have. I dont think my friend really appreciated what I said.( it wasnt really nice... but hey... im blunt ) Some hurts and cuts are so deep that they can only be healed with help from higher power. It reminded me of how not only important but essential the scriptures are in our lives. Not only does it help guide us down the path of eternal salvation, revelation, but draws us closer to our heavenly father and savior. Its daily scripture study that keeps you on the same station as the spirit, making it less tempting to sin. I mean let face it, we all sin, its the natural man. BUT we are never alone when we repent. Jesus Christ suffered all for us. He stood in our place and took upon himself our name so that we could repent and take upon ourselves his name. He knows ever sorrow every hurt. He knows what its like when your grandma died, when your bunny ran away, that dance in HS you never went to, hangnails, and that REALLY bad paper cut you got last week. The atonement of Christ can and will heal everything because He has suffered everything. May we all use the atonement daily. Its continual process, and it takes work. Its so worth it though. Remember, we see ourselves in terms of today and yesterday, but heavenly father sees us in terms of forever. We have greater potential then we can even imagine. Lets not let pride keep us away from our divine future!

I LOVE this picture. Look at the sheep and its imperfections. It reminds me ...well... of me haha. But that no matter my imperfections, he will always love me and rejoice

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Haha no, Im nor bitter... Im not "sparky" ;). It just seems like this one event gets brought up ALL the time. At the beginning of march I wrote all my missionaries and basically it was a huge rant. I went something like. " Dear Elder, Boys suck, dating sucks, good luck dating when you get home because it sucks!" HAHA now, I feel REALLY bad about it. My letters never have anything negative in them, so the letters I got back were frantic asking me if I was okay. Okay so I really do feel bad about it! Although I do feel like I had a right at that time.

Growing up my brothers were expected to open doors, give up their jacket, and be overall respectful to women of all ages. I thought this is what all boys did especial in the church.... I thought...

I know we all have out horrid dating experiences I just had a lot of them that month. I had a guy once we were in the car tell me I was too tall and that it wouldn't work out. We didnt get out of the parking lot, another guy when on our date said I was too tall, another that I was too big, then I had a guy that at the end of the date literally jumped on top of me ( perve ). Within those months i had a really good date. The kid opened the door for me, and was just genuine. I knew he wasnt going to try anything and was just overall respectful. So here is the questions.... what happened to chivalry? Its not that big of a hassle right?

1. Just open the door for her.
- I had a boyfriend that refused to open the door for me... because he didnt see the need. It was annoying. Its something so little, but shows character.

2. Dont gossip.
- Makes you think what hes going to say about you.

3. Dont try to suck on my face.
- What makes you think I want to kiss you back? Really?!? Its the first date!

4. Dont wait more than a week to ask her out again.
- the longer we wait the more ticked off we get haha.

5. Get over your problems.
- I dont want to know about your past or present porn, depression,suicidal,drug, or ex girl friend problems. To be honest the girl probably already knows... when you talk about it.. its SOOO awkward.... and really, nothing makes a girl creeped out more when you are talking about your porn problems. I understand its a big problem now... but it makes you want to cover yourself in a blanket and hide under the table.

6. If the girl is playing a " game " drop her.
-Guys complain of girls playing " games " I think it goes both ways... Im just blunt... haha

7. PAY
-Some girls say they feel bad. I totally dont. Haha i feel its the guys responsibility! Again... I had a boyfriend who made me pay for dinner... I guess there gets a certain point in a relationship where you can split things, but at the beginning its all you.

8. Not too much $$$
- Makes me feel awkward and bad if the food is expensive or event. Keep it simple. =) One date we painted rocks... really... how cool is that? I totally loved it! Plus I know a lot of girls really do like walks.

So no, not all boys suck. I have some amazing friends who treat me with respect even though they dont even have too! And I have been on 3 dates with guys who do the same.... BUT come on boys! Its not like one date really means anything. Just have fun, dont freak out, dont play games, and be a gent =)

I actually do enjoy dating. You get to meet new people and have fun! Its interesting how people are so different. Im not bitter, I just dont understand why jerks are out numbering gentlemen. Again... im not being sparky ;) haha. I REALLY do feel bad. More guys need to get off their bums and go on date ( cough cough....JOSH ) Although girls are MEAN these days! We girls need to do our part also, I totally understand... how about we just meet common ground? =) Haha this article was SO funny! Girls were freaking out haha. Lets just keep calm and carry on =)

Weddings, Birthdays, Camping, DTR, and Mission Calls.

Well as you know, I LOVE photography. I love doing things a little rustic and…well… lizzy’ish. I had a wonderful opportunity to be a photographer for a wedding at the Idaho Falls temple on June 18! I took Courtney along as my assistant photographer and we had a BLAST! The bride and groom were fun and really a joy to work with. Best wedding by far! The Idaho Falls temple’s grounds were under construction =/ WHO DOESN’T love dirt and backhoes in their wedding pictures?! ? I was grateful that they left a little patch for us to work with! Other than that we just went across the river and got some great shots!

Its July! That means it is birthday month at the Cadys! I had a really good birthday! We went four wheeling, made a lot of cotton candy, and went to the fairgrounds with great friends! That weekend we celebrated along with Annie for her birthday. It was fun! Courtney and Judd came and we played some pretty fantastic music! Im so blessed to have great people around me and my family! BUTTTTTTTT We have a new birthday in the family!My nephew Cooper was born 14 of July 6lbs 8 oz 20.25in! Im so excited for my brother and his family to come visit so I can snuggle the little guy… and probably take pictures =)

If you know me, you know I LOVE to camp! Its always been a joy of mine. I love being in the middle of no where, seeing gods creations, and knowing that he is close. Recently I took a trip back to Samlon where I lived and worked last summer. It was fun to be back, but the misquotes were HORRENDOUS! 62 bites on ONE leg. A kid from England also came with. Some of the craziest things happened. Our tent door would shut, and when it did, the zipper would break. After we got it zipped and killed the 50+ misquotes in the tent this kid pulls a HAMBURGER out of his pocket…. I truly don’t know what he was thinking. I was thinking why didn’t we just pour lard around our tent and pray that the bears and cats come quick. Goodness haha. We got to go down the river and it was like the good ole time. I love the river although it scares me SO much! We didn’t get out hiking in, but that’s okay. I got to see one of my best friends Brian at his reception! We actually met last summer and kept in touch. His wife is gorgeous and they look uber happy! Im so happy for them!

This summer has truly been the summer of DTR… DTR (determine the relationship) AKA- do you feel how I feel? = Probably the most awkward thing in the world. Iv had to give the full-on DTR“ friend “ talk to 3 guys, this summer alone, and the whole… I really just see you as a friend and I don’t want to hurt your feelings so im just going to keep calling you a friend and hope you don’t create any more feelings! Talk with many, many more guys this summer. The worst was when a guy wouldnt stop and I got kinda mean with him and said. I DONT AND I WILL NEVER LIKE YOU OR BE ATTRACTED TO YOU! He replied with," Its okay, I like the chase."...barf.... DTR is just awkward. You usually don’t know for sure how the other person feels, and lets face it. Who wants to put themselves out there? I got MY 1st I only see you as a friend talk. Pretty weird haha now I know how they feel haha. Although its not like I didn’t see it coming. However it is SO nice. I mean really. The wondering and the trying to read their mind and know what they think is SO annoying. Just add another name to the land of no return friend list and get on with life. Adele was my friend that night as I pretty much listened to her album over and over haha. No worries =) Im thankful for amazing friends!

COURTNEY GOT HER MISSON CALL!!!!! That’s right! My best friend is going on a mission! Im so excited for her and everything she will accomplish! She had to wait FOREVER! Like a moth for her call to come! It drove me crazy! Then she waited forever to open it….again…. I was going CRAZY! During church I just couldn’t handle it! Well Courtney is going to the Anchorage Alaska mission! =D Im so excited for her! She hopes to ride a bobsled! I don’t see why not =)

Life is awesome and crazy! My summer is almost over, but I can still live! Andrew, Gregory, and Brock are doing amazing on their missions and their letters inspire and strengthen me every time. Lets just say… Im blessed =)

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Dear Future Husband.......

So in young women’s we made a time capsule. I was 13 and I wasn’t allowed to open it until I was 19. It was really funny. I just randomly found it in an old backpack I was getting rid of. In it was a letter, In which I was writing to my future husband, kinda to see what I liked in a guy…. And what I got haha. It was so hard to figure out what I was saying becasue my spelling was SOOOO bad haha.

Dear future husband,

Thank you for always being my best friend, and not being dumb like all the girls that pretend to care about me. You are so cute and handsome; I don’t know what I would do without you. Thank you for giving me the most amazing children ever! Thank you for getting an education that allows you to support us as a family. Thank you for always being an example of what the savior is. I know that you are a worthy priesthood holder. So thank you. Thank you for protecting our home from the sins of the world. Thank you for supporting me in my dreams and education. I know im not always easy to get along with, and that im stubborn, but thanks. Thanks for taking me to the temple. I know my dad would of killed me if we got married in a church. Im glad that we are sealed for eternity. We will be with each other and our children forever. Thank you for taking the family camping, I know it helped us a lot. Thanks for putting up with the animals, and helping out around the house. Thanks for showing our children what hard work was, and how to be honest. Thank you for being with me in this life, and the life to come.

Love your eternal companion,


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Awww Logan....

So, this year has been pretty crazy! I made a list of things I wanted to do before I came to USU.
1. Wind caves
2. Go to temple every week
3. Clean the sink
4. Take a lot of institute
5. Go on dates

Wel... I completed # 3 and 4! hahaha. Never went to the wind caves =( The temple fills up after having the line open for 30 min. Annnddd... for some reason I was way better at getting asked out in high school. I went on more date with boys from BYU-I than I did at USU haha. I did however clean the sink with some amazing girls, and I look a bunch of institute classes! Iv been really blessed this year and have learned a ton. Not that sad to leave, It will just be weird. Logan is now my home, my place.

Thursday, April 28, 2011



One thing I do when Im stressed is jam out until my fingers cant take anymore. I usually come up with some song, but I never write it down or remember it. I remembered this one though. I jammed for a good 2 hours last night. This was the song. Its not very good, and the chords are basic, but I love it. I love the Savior and all he does for me. I am so blessed to know if his life and goodness. =)

Out on a ship traveling with glee
Soon comes a big storm that changes the sea
from a pretty blue to an ugly grayish green
Out here in the big wide sea, no one but me

Where can I flee
When I cant see
My heart is turned to thee

And the world turns its back on you and me
It wants to turn us into that ugly grayish green
Why cant we just stay blue
have smooth sailing the whole way through
Whats the key to life's big mystery

Where can I flee
When I cant even see
Oh Jesus savior pilot me

Thinking I was free
Away from it all
Now I dont feel big at all, I feel rather small
Help me, take the wheel, I trust in thee
Oh savior Jesus pilot me

Clam waters come and go
This life is like a game show
Sometimes I feel the storms bring me low
Though I know tempests come to help me grow

I know I can be free
In the big wide open sea
from the love thou has shown to me
I may be small, but with you thats not true at all
I dont cave to cry, I dont have to crawl
Ill put all my trust and faith in thee
Oh savior Jesus pilot

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

U4, Pumpkin Cookies, and Stalker

Well, it seems my new thing is pumpkin cookies. BUT I can only make them in Logan. They dont turn out right in Poky. Anyways one can of pumpkin makes a TON of cookies! I had to make a lot for institute, but baked more than I needed. So, I am grateful for the boys in U4. Not only are they awesome, but they will eat my cookies. Then my stalker, stalked me today...again. Im ready for school to be over. Hopefully I never see him again, even though he thinks God wants us to get married... haha anyways Jesus loves you all =)

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Coconut Passion & Tender Mercies

So, Im stressed, Im really stressed. Im at the point where I feel like sleep is a waste of 8 good hours I should use to study. I found something that helps me though. Anyone who knows me, knows I love Victoria Secret, and their secret garden body spray collection.

There has been a new addition to the garden. Its called coconut passion. It smells like warm vanilla and coconut. So basically it smells amazing. Im thinking its even better than pure seduction ( the most popular BY FAR of the garden collection.) Anyways, when Im stressed I spray a little coconut passion and I relax. Its nice =) Helps me clear my mind, and get back to the books. Its almost like vicks... another calmer of mine haha... ya im kinda weird. =)

So I was sitting here in the TSC being really stressed and working on my English paper, when I saw a familiar face. PATRICK! Really, who doenst know Patrick? He is a young man who works with special needs who works in the HUB. He is everyones friend. I looked up and smiled at him. He said, " well hello friend!." I couldnt help but laugh. He came over, moved my feet off a chair, and sat down. He was asking me how I was, and thats about all of a conversation that he knows how to handle. So I asked the little prankster if he was staying out of trouble. For the first time I saw him get serious. He said,"THEY ARE KEEPING ME TO BUSY FOR TROUBLE!" haha. We then talked about his summer. He is going to Chicago and he promised me that he would get a hot dog haha. He then told me thanks and said, " dont try to study too hard! " Patrick brought a little ray of sunshine into my day. It was dearly needed. So I thank the Lord, for sending me his tender little mercies, this time by the form of an angel, when my sky is grey.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Stayin alive... kinda... =/

Well.... Its dead week. Let me tell ya, I already feel dead. Im seriously stressing this one out. I have a research paper due tomorrow for revising, A lifespan paper about dying and the physiological affects, and a 60 page chapter to read about old people.The most stressful part is math. Oh how I hate math... with a passion! My problem is I can remember something for a test, then forget most of it. Trying to do some of these practice finals are making no sense. I basically live at the math lab.

On a brighter side, institute was amazing today! Then again the book of Moroni is pretty amazing within itself. Brother Larson did this thing with random numbers on a ball. When the ball was thrown to you, you looked to see what number your right thumb landed on.That number sent us somewhere in Moroni and then you had to testify of what was taught. After that you had to throw the ball to two other people ( ones who dont really comment ) and get 2 other whitenesses. Sure it sounds a little like seminary, but it was a powerful lesson. Brother Larsen has a different approach to teaching. It seems to work for me. I love it =)

After school I'm going home, and working as a developmental therapist. I hope I can get the hang of things. Kinda hoping to get some shadowing hours in also. We will see what happens. Its weird to think that I'm almost done with my first year of college. Im not ready to leave. Might sound weird, but I wish it would last a little longer. None of this final stuff. Iv made a lot of new friends within a month, and we will probably never see each other again! haha anyways... thats life right now. I deactivated my FB again, so yep... comment or text =) Jesus loves you!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I love to see the temple... Ill go inside someday.

So, part of the reason I came to USU, was the Logan temple. It is so beautiful, and has some amazing history/stories. Its so close to campus too! I thought I was going to be able to go all the time! I was able to attend the IF temple regularly, because of their amazing walk in system. Logan, however, does not have a walk in system. The lines open at 11:30, and I can tell you what goes down. You call the temple and they lady tells you the lines are all full, and to call back. You keep calling because if you dont get in by noon all the spots are full. Thats only thirty minutes! So you keep calling, and the lady keeps getting irritated, because you and many others keep calling. Well I have my fingers crossed because for the last 2 months I havent been able to get a spot. I think I'll write a letter or something. Its sad that people cant go to the temple because all the " spots " are full. If they had earlier hours I would totally take advantage of that! Humm we will see! Because of that I can see the temple... someday ill get a spot, and i can go inside haha. Pray with me! =)

Well... We shall give this a try.. no facebook

So I realized that I was spending way too much time on good ole' Facebook. Not to mention I have many exams this week, and FB was too much of a temptation. FB however, really is evil. I keep getting emails of them reminding me that I can come back at anytime. They send me pictures that I was tagged in and say " Kevin misses you" Or the name of whoever tagged me in their photo haha. Its not as easy as I thought it would be. Sometimes I just want to go on, and waste some time. Pathetic right? Yep, I need a life! Ill probably get back, but I need some rehab time. So, if I miss your birthday, I'm sorry... I had no way of knowing it was your birthday... =) Anyways, that is the story! Text me haha

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

It's a Wedding!

February 18th the most amazing people ever got married! Haha, but for real! Mary is a sister missionary in the Pocatello, Idaho mission. I worked with for about a year. She is an amazing teacher, and I looked up to her a lot ( still do ) . I learned SO much from her. I learned how to become closer to the spirit when teaching, and how to help others recognize that spirit. Really, she trained me, without knowing she was training haha. I REALLY wanted her to marry my brother Josh, but I knew she was too hardcore for him. So, I got her reacquainted with one of my friends Brandon. He took us skeet shooting , and let us shoot his bow ( which I'm REALLY bad at ).

That trip was amazing! She came back to see a family she converted get sealed in the temple. It was a CRAZY awesome rode trip! And... I would keep bring up the subject of Brandon =) haha

Well, when Mary was coming to BYU-I from Rhode Island, Brandon few there to help her drive back! He said, it wasnt anything... but we all knew haha =) Hahah I knew it! They were going to get married =) I am so happy for them! They are both such amazing examples of Christ! They stupendous! Congratulations Mary and Brandon!

P.S- Everything happens for a reason. If Tyler Davis wouldnt of apologized to me, I never would of met Brandon, and never would of taken Mary to see him! Crazy huh? Thanks Ty!

Monday, February 21, 2011

I Hope They Call Me On A Mission!!!

My twin Andrew Bringhurst finally got his mission call! Andrew and I have been friends for ever, and he has blessed my life tremendously. Andrew spent a year in Italy for foreign exchange during his sophomore year of high school, and is fluent in Italian. Andrew has become such an amazing young man, who is devoted to serving the lord. Not only did he let me take his mission photos, but he let me be there for the opening of his call. I dont think there was a dry eye in the room, because we all know how badly he wanted to go. When we heard that he was going to serve in the Rome, Italy mission, i think we all just cried in joy! He is going to be a powerhouse in the Rome mission for sure! Im so proud of you Andrew ( and extremely jealous haha )!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


February 2nd is now the official world ukulele day! What a grand day! I cant even begin describe how much the ukulele has impacted me. Sounds cheesy, but it has! So to all my ukulele players out there, HAPPY UKE DAY!

Well Mr. Gore... I think you meant global FREEZING!

Okay, so its freezing! Is it weird that when you wake up you think," Huh, it need to rise 27 degrees to be above freezing!". Now, thats just crazy! Well I hope that groundhog is right, and spring will come soon!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


So, Utah State really is a great school. The campus is beautiful, and the professors are helpful... BUT the winter ... yep that's right... winter is horrid! Every morning its in the negatives or close to it. Why did I decide to take 7:30 AM classes? I have no idea! If its not that cold the wind will rip through any jacket you have on and make you want to die. I know I sound really dramatic right now, but Iv been home for 10 min and my face is still numb! Not cool... actually its too cool to be cool =) I just think its funny when its 30 degrees and everyone is just wearing a sweater or long sleeved shirt around campus... because, 30 degrees is WARM!

Aside from the cold,this week is CRAZY! I have 3 exams on Thursday! I know.. kill me now haha. Hoping I will do okay! Im only worried about my Math, and Marriage/Family relationships class. My Disabilities rehab class will be easy =) But ya! Then in the next 2 weeks I have 4 papers to write! I think Im gonna live in the library or something! Life is so crazy! Trying to figure things out, and all that! Trying to find a place to live during the summer, or trying to find a job, or just trying to get everything done.... oh ya... and boys...haha. Its just crazy right now! Although I made a goal to be in bed by 11 pm every night. Jess has totally held me to it! It seems like we go to bed even earlier now. Like last night I was in bed by 10:30. Yep thats right, Im a CRAZY college student! haha Keep it classy people, keep it classy.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Im back!

Well I haven't been on here for a long time! haha So much has been going on, but I think Im going to start blogging again, because everytime I go on FB people like ambush me with questions haha anyways... its just me... just lizzy =)