Well about a month ago my YW president asked me if i knew a girl named Sara. Well i knew of her but i didnt really know her. She was a Sophomore, and we had totally different social groups. But i did do her hair for a play. Well it turned out that she was currently taking the missionary discussions. I thought to myself, yep just another girl that wants to get baptized so some boy will like her ,and when he leaves her she will wont have anything to do with the church. Thinking back i cant believe i thought that. And i will never think that about anyone ever again! Then the missionaries came over and asked me if i would consider befriending her.... ha really weird question what are you going to say.... NO? haha . So, the next day at school i went up to her and invited her to the YW activity. We went to Lava and i think she had a really good time. Then i was asked to go to the lessons. At that time i was really busy and had no time to do anything. But i figured the Lord was trying to answer my prayers so i better do it. So i went and i LOVE T
HEM! They are so amazing! I love going to the discussions with Sarah. Not to mention how much my love has grown for her. Its amazing how when you serve someone you create this Christ- like love for that person. I care about her so much. Then, we planned a trip to go up to the Temple with the Elders, and after many attempts to find a time... we finally did it! We were going to go to the visitors center and watch the Joseph Smith movie. The VC is totally different now! Everything is new, and touch screen. Not to mention the statue of Christ. I think she had a good experience. We really enjoyed looking at all the temples. And trying to figure out which one is the best. Then we watched the movie and it had a totally different meaning to me.It made me realize how lucky i am. I cant even try to imagine what life is like with out having the gospel. I was extremely lucky to be born into a family of good parents and brothers and sisters which are amazing examples to me. I felt so much gratitude. Overall it was an experience i will never forget. The feeling that i had. The thought that came to my mind. That this is why we are here. We are here to bring in the lost sheep .... bring them back to the fold. Im so lucky i was chosen to go threw this experience with Sara. I love it! I love going to the lessons and will continue going to them. It makes me really want to go out and serve a mission. But with my luck i would be called to go to Japan.
In picture: E. Cheney ( Georgia), E. Patterson ( Canada), Me, Sara, Korinda (Sara's friend), Marty,Regan,Tawny.