So... It has taken me a while to write about the passing of Grandpa Fuller. Mostly i wanted to think about what i wanted to write. Grandpa Fuller was truly an amazing man to me. He ALWAYS stood tall and was steadfast in the Gospel. He taught me so many things and gave me many stories of inspiration. Grandpa always wanted to be a vet. He went to school but was drafted into WW II and never returned to school. Even though he didn't become a vet he gave many services to animals of his own and to friends. Some stories are pretty dang disgusting but hey it got the job done. I received his vet kit he had. there is no way i could use it today, but that old rusty, heavy, broken box is amazing to me. The one sentence i will never forget is : never give up and finish school. I was glad that i was able to make him proud when he found out i was able to do a Jr. vet internship at BAMC, and continue my goal in becoming a vet .Growing up my family had 2 places to go to during our visits to AZ : the cabin, and the ranch. My favorite by far was the ranch. Its not that i didn't like the cabin. But the ranch had horses, cows, and chickens! truth be told i just have too much of my mom in me "] .... The ranch truly did give me my passion for animals. My mom said i always had a way with animals .... even when i was 6 months old ( the horses loved me ) but i can always remember waking up to zipper ( horse ) waiting for me out side every morning to go riding, and the one morning i didn't go riding he had fun with a huge bag of flour sitting on the porch. My grandpa gave me and his family these opportunity's on the ranch because it was a" safe haven"as he would put it. That during the last days or when we were in trouble that the ranch would be a save haven for us.I always thought family didn't appreciate the ranch enough. to be truthfully honest...... the ranch is my most favorite place ever! minus the nats and bugs and its heaven! it has a simple yet divine beauty about it. I miss you grandpa! ill see you one day. Thank you so much for the opportunity's you gave me! I Love you!
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
My hero.................
Posted by LIZZY at 9:55 PM 1 comments
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Posted by LIZZY at 7:44 PM 0 comments
Ha so Mariam and i took a walk just about every evening so we could not only enjoy the beauty of the cabins environment, but also about boys! hehehe"] any ways one night Mariam pointed out a fox! it was so cool! but also sad that there was a wild animal living in town. anyways about 20 feet from were the fox was i stoped and said " Mariam baby foxes!" she didnt believe me until i pointed them out! i ran back to the cabin and got a couple of pictures of the baby fox kittens ( inside joke) . then we were walking down the path and the mama was stalking us! Mariam just about peed her pants! she thought i wasn't being serious enough about a small fox following us. ha she was just following us to make sure were wouldnt hurt her baby's that's all. Ha it is a good memory fosho!
Posted by LIZZY at 5:10 PM 0 comments
So..... this trip to Arizona has two sides one side i will cover right now. OK.... so my dear , dear sister Mariam thought it would be funny to play the clown with a knife in its hand trick....( read her blog ) but in reality! that thing has ALWAYS scared the crap out of me! And then to make things better it stayed in the closet/storage unit that was in our bedroom. well every time before i would go to bed i would walk over to the closet and the lock would be unlocked EVERY night!!!! Im sorry thats just plain out disturbing!
I had a fun time giving kate... ok sorry K, princess hair every morning :] it was always fun to see her reaction!
Swinging was an every day activity! there were two swings. but the hammock was sooo relaxing! i can remember going to the cabin and laying down in the hammock and looking up and realizing i couldn't see the tops of those tall , tall trees. well i had the opportunity to swing with kate and telling her to look up... her reaction was priceless.... a lot of ohhh.... hooo, woooah....:] Feeding the ducks...... thats what we did! i dont know what to write about it except for that we fed the ducks!
Posted by LIZZY at 4:58 PM 1 comments
Saturday, July 19, 2008
So.........Lysh is my best besty in the whole wide world! So we like to do random , and weird makeovers sometimes! this one didn't really have a theme we just went for it! We had so much fun and took over 130 pictures if it! It a a blast.... we do this just about every Friday! hehe its way fun! She is such a beautiful girl! like seriously her teeth are amazing. Not like ina freaky way ... but she does floss every day! "]
Posted by LIZZY at 10:43 PM 0 comments